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Why is Wool Sustainable?

It is hard to challenge wool for its sustainability (sheep are not intensively reared). Wool, like hair, occurs naturally and is renewable i.e it quickly grows back. It is also a valuable bi-product of the meat market.

Not only is wool sustainable to grow but also to dispose of. Of course we intend all our our products to have a very long lifetime (when looked after correctly) but when it is finally time up for your item then the 100% natural wool will naturally biodegrade in the right conditions. 

Wool decomposes readily in as little as three to four month but the rate varies with soil, climate and wool characteristics. This then releases essential element such as nitrogen, sulphur and magnesium back to the soil, able to be taken up by growing plants.

In general, natural fibres require far less washing than synthetics. All natural and cellulosic fibres, like wool, cotton, and linen are breathable and thereby less prone to smells, but in the case of wool it can also naturally repel spills and stains which means that it will require much less washing than your cotton garments. This, in time, will mean you save water and energy on washing your woollen items.

Now you might be wondering about the negative effects sheep have on the planet? We all know that cows and sheep are not blameless when it comes to the emission of the short-lived carbon gas called methane. However, most of the organic carbon consumed by sheep is rapidly returned to the atmosphere as CO2 through respiration, just a small amount (around 6%) is converted to methane gas in the sheep’s digestive process.

If we take into consideration the fact that wool (along with hemp & linen) is one of few textile fibres with is neither plastic nor requires pesticides or chemicals in it's production, as well as it's long life span, and the long term benefits of using less water to care for... makes it is one of the most sustainable choices.

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