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New Beginnings

Tomorrow we celebrate the summer solstice, the first astronomical day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun will be at its highest point in the sky and we will experience the longest period of sunlight hours.

Traditionally, it’s a time to gather with friends and family,  feast together and light a bonfire or candle to represent the life-giving warmth and light of the sun. Whether you simply light a candle or go frolicking naked in the fields (!), it’s always special to mark this important moment in the calendar in some way.

It’s a time to pause and reflect on the year so far. What’s changed? What have you learned? What are your hopes and dreams for the coming 6 months?

At Rove, we believe in the restorative power of Ritual. Here are a few suggestions for how to mark the Summer Solstice this year:


Lighting a candle is a simple way to imbue the evening with a sense of ritual. Light your candle, make your space cosy and then sit down with your journal to write.


Putting your thoughts down on paper can help you to reflect on what you need to let go of in order to make space for new dreams and creations. Here are some journal prompts to guide you -

  • How have you grown over these past 6 months?
  • How have you challenged yourself?
  • What are you ready to let go of?
  • What do you want to grow into your life this summer?
  • What is a word or phrase that can guide you through this season?
  • What are the next three steps you could take to move you forward?


Make sure you get outside and connect to nature today, allowing yourself to soak in the powerful energies of the solstice. If you can, gather some herbs - lavender is easy to come by (even if you have to take a few sprigs from a neighbours garden!) and is said to bring peace and serenity to your home.

Happy Solstice!

- Elise x

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